The Four Simple Ways To Achieve Balance In Life

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The Four Simple Ways To Achieve Balance In Life

Four Simple Ways to Achieve Balance in Life

Life is a multi-dynamic dance between priorities and responsibility. Day in and out we struggle to find time for spirituality, family, self, work, and health. In order to life it well, balance is needed. Balance is defined as: an even distribution of weight, enabling someone or something to remain upright or steady. Key markers of this definition include the words even distribution, upright and steady. I believe in a world filled with distractions, many find it difficult to find steadiness, evenness and uprightness. While they are distracted and find it hard to get the steadiness of life going there are others who are doing it well. In my own life and experience of being married to a professional athlete, balance has been challenging because I’ve had to wear a proverbial cape and take on superwoman-like abilities to juggle all that has been require of me as a wife, mother and business owner. Yet, despite the challenges, I’ve been able to thrive and maintain the highly sought-after balance needed to live life well. Here are five of the action steps that you can take to do that:
1) Identify What Is of Value to You. What are your core values for your life? Core values are a set of beliefs that you govern your life by. Some examples of core values include being Christ centered, open minded, creative and family oriented. When you identify your core values, you can start to eliminate those activities and time commitments that do not help you to reinforce the values that you have designated as important to you.

2) Prioritize. Once you have established your core values, you can begin to prioritize what order of importance each of those values has in your life. For example, if you say that the core value of being Christ centered is your top priority, then you will spend daily time and energy doing things which reflect that such as prayer and bible study. You will also make time for regular church attendance.
3) Learn How to Say No. If you are a person that desires to make everyone happy all the time, saying “no” can be a challenge. When we constantly say yes to everything, we can become overwhelmed and priorities get out of order. When priorities get out of order the things you say you value most are not being satisfied having the potential to create chaos with the people and things that mean the most to you. In an effort to keep balance as a priority you must learn to say no sometimes. Saying no will keep you on task and keep you from feelings of stress and being overwhelmed.

4) Don’t Compare Yourself to Others. The Jones’ Syndrome seems to never die in our society, we always want what someone else has and often we will do anything to get it. Doing more to get what others have robs you of your unique set of core values and throws your life out of balance. 2 Corinthians 10:12 and Galatians 6:4-5, helps us to understand that there’s no good in comparing ourselves to others.

I hope that this message on balance has been helpful to you as you seek to gain more balance in life. If you would like to dig deeper into ways you can organize and prioritize your time and energy, consider working with me as your personal life coach to walk alongside you. For more info or to set up a free 20-minute consultation, you can email me at

Lolita Harris
Your Life Coach


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